Politics and bad parenting

The 2 parties of our country’s political system are the extremes of bad parenting. On one side we have the Democrats that are like the parents that give their children everything they want or cry for. On the other side we have the republicans who want to give nothing to their children and let a nanny raise them with no love.

Democrats are raising “children” in this country that are learning no self sufficient skills. There are so many programs and ways of dishing out money to people that people are forgetting how to take care of themselves. Look at hurricane Katrina. Look at how many people just stayed and waited for someone to come help. When help didn’t come, they did not handle things on their own, they simply bitched and cried to the media that “no one helped us”.

Republicans are no better. They want to simply let everyone fend for themselves. I believe when everyone fends for themselves, a huge divide between the extreme well to do and the extreme poor happens. When you give nothing to children, no love, no tools, no guidance, some grow to be bullies and some grow to be bullied. Some grow to have and some grow to have not. There is much less middle ground or middle class in that scenario.

I don’t know why it has to be one or the other. Still, to this day, I do not understand the need for the only 2 political parties to be such polar extremes. We need the middle ground in the political arena just as we all know the most stable and well grounded children are those that are given the tools and the love they NEED but are not spoiled with everything they WANT and too much pampering. Give your children love, support and help them self achieve and they will grow to be strong people. Give the people of our country guidance and the laws they NEED and they will grow to prosper and be self sufficient. Give children too much of material things and no love and they will grow to be abusive and self centered. Give a country no laws no guidance and you will have a society of financially rich bullies and poverty!

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